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堆栈数据结构|后进先出 (LIFO)

– 推送(添加元素):将元素添加到堆栈顶部。 – pop(删除元素):从顶部删除元素。…

  1. – 推送(添加元素):将元素添加到堆栈顶部。
  2. – pop(删除元素):从顶部删除元素。
  3. – isfull:检查堆栈是否已达到其限制(在本例中为 10)。
  4. – isempty:检查堆栈是否为空。
  5. – 显示:显示堆栈元素。


         <meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"><title>stack | last in first out (lifo) or first in last out | - by sudhanshu gaikwad (filo)</title><h3>stack in javascript</h3>     <script>       let data = [];        // add an element to the array       function addele(ele) {         if (isfull()) {           console.log("array is full, element can't be added!");         } else {           console.log("element added!");           data.push(ele);         }       }        // check if the array is full       function isfull() {         return data.length >= 10;       }        // remove an element from the array       function remove() {         if (isempty()) {           console.log("array is empty, can't remove element!");         } else {           data.pop();           console.log("element removed!");         }       }        // check if the array is empty       function isempty() {         return data.length === 0;       }        // display the array elements       function display() {         console.log("updated array >> ", data);       }        // example usage       addele(55);       addele(85);       addele(25);       remove();       display(); // [55, 85]     </script>


         <meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"><title>what is stack in javascript | by sudhanshu gaikwad</title><style>       * {         box-sizing: border-box;       }        body {         font-family: "roboto condensed", sans-serif;         background-color: #f4f4f4;         margin: 0;         padding: 0;         display: flex;         flex-direction: column;         justify-content: center;         align-items: center;         height: 100vh;       }        .container {         background-color: white;         padding: 20px;         border-radius: 10px;         box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);         max-width: 400px;         width: 100%;         margin-bottom: 20px;       }        h3 {         color: #333;         text-align: center;         margin-bottom: 20px;       }        input {         padding: 10px;         width: calc(100% - 20px);         margin-bottom: 10px;         border: 1px solid #ccc;         border-radius: 5px;       }        button {         padding: 10px;         margin: 10px 0;         border: none;         border-radius: 5px;         background-color: #292f31;         color: white;         cursor: pointer;         width: 100%;       }        button:hover {         background-color: #e9e9ea;         color: #292f31;       }        .message {         margin-top: 15px;         color: #333;         font-size: 16px;         text-align: center;       }        .footer {         text-align: center;         margin-top: 20px;         font-size: 14px;         color: #555;       }        /* responsive design */       @media (max-width: 768px) {         .container {           padding: 15px;           max-width: 90%;         }          button {           font-size: 14px;         }          input {           font-size: 14px;         }       }     </style><div class="container">       <!-- title -->       <h3>stack in javascript</h3>        <!-- input section -->       <input type="text" id="addele" placeholder="enter an element"><!-- buttons section --><button onclick="adddata()">add element</button>       <button onclick="removeele()">remove element</button>       <button onclick="display()">show array</button>        <!-- message sections -->       <div id="add" class="message"></div>       <div id="remove" class="message"></div>       <div id="display" class="message"></div>     </div>      <!-- footer with copyright symbol -->     <div class="footer">       © 2024 sudhanshu developer | all rights reserved     </div>      <script>       let data = [];        // function to add an element to the stack       function adddata() {         let newele = document.getelementbyid("addele").value;          if (isfull()) {           document.getelementbyid("add").innerhtml = "array is full, element cannot be added!";         } else if (newele.trim() === "") {           document.getelementbyid("add").innerhtml = "please enter a valid element!";         } else {           data.push(newele);           document.getelementbyid("add").innerhtml = `element "${newele}" added!`;           document.getelementbyid("addele").value = "";            console.log("current array: ", data);            display();          }       }        function isfull() {         return data.length >= 10;       }        function removeele() {         if (isempty()) {           document.getelementbyid("remove").innerhtml = "array is empty!";         } else {           let removedelement = data.pop();           document.getelementbyid("remove").innerhtml = `element "${removedelement}" removed!`;           console.log("current array: ", data);           display();          }       }        function isempty() {         return data.length === 0;       }        function display() {         let displayarea = document.getelementbyid("display");         displayarea.innerhtml = "";          if (data.length === 0) {           displayarea.innerhtml = "no elements in the array!";           console.log("array is empty.");         } else {           for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {             displayarea.innerhtml += `element ${i + 1}: ${data[i]}<br>`;           }           console.log("displaying array: ", data);          }       }     </script>


堆栈数据结构|后进先出 (LIFO)

带有用户输入的 c 语言堆栈

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h>  #define max 10   int data[max]; int top = -1;    // function to check if the stack is full bool isfull() {     return top &gt;= max - 1; }  // function to check if the stack is empty bool isempty() {     return top == -1; }  // function to add an element to the stack (push operation) void addele() {     int ele;     if (isfull()) {         printf("array is full, element can't be added!n");     } else {         printf("enter an element to add: ");         scanf("%d", &amp;ele); // read user input         data[++top] = ele; // increment top and add element         printf("element %d added!n", ele);     } }  // function to remove an element from the stack (pop operation) void remove() {     if (isempty()) {         printf("array is empty, can't remove element!n");     } else {         printf("element %d removed!n", data[top--]); // remove element and decrement top     } }  // function to display all elements in the stack void display() {     if (isempty()) {         printf("array is empty!n");     } else {         printf("updated array &gt;&gt; ");         for (int i = 0; i     <p><strong>示例输出:</strong><br></p>  <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">1. Add Element 2. Remove Element 3. Display Stack 4. Exit Enter your choice: 1 Enter an element to add: 55 Element 55 Added!  1. Add Element 2. Remove Element 3. Display Stack 4. Exit Enter your choice: 3 Updated Array &gt;&gt; 55   1. Add Element 2. Remove Element 3. Display Stack 4. Exit Enter your choice: 4 Exiting...  

以上就是堆栈数据结构|后进先出 (LIFO)的详细内容,更多请关注php中文网其它相关文章!


作者: nijia






在线咨询: QQ交谈

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